Project Scheduling via Mother Nature / by keith messick


Mother Nature does not negotiate.  If she wants it to rain, it rains.


The demo work on Skyline Drive is complete.  Grading should also have been completed by now.  Unfortunately, Mother Nature decided to give us some much needed (California, not Skyline Drive) rain.  

The site was completely washed out from the rain and brought all work to a stand-still.  The grading equipment could not operate without getting stuck.  The sunshine we have had over the last week has greatly helped in drying things out.  Weather is one of the project scheduling variables that simply cannot be controlled.

As much as we need the rain, I am hoping for some dry weather for the next few weeks.  And hopefully, Mother Nature will cooperate.


For an interesting read on how to deal with wet soils while grading see the link below (click on the picture).  At this time, we are not planning on employing any of these techniques.